Aunt Phil Featured on CBS KTVA Channel 11 Anchorage!

CBS Channel 11 reporter Rhonda McBride interviewed author Laurel Downing Bill, who shared bits and pieces about some colorful characters that helped make Anchorage the wonderful city it has become over the past 100 years.
CBS Channel 11 reporter Rhonda McBride interviewed author Laurel Downing Bill, who shared bits and pieces about some colorful characters that helped make Anchorage the wonderful city it has become over the past 100 years.

CBS KTVA Channel 11 of Anchorage featured Aunt Phil last Sunday on Rhonda McBride’s show, Frontiers, at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. Reviews have been overwhelming – looks like people really enjoyed learning about a few colorful characters in early Anchorage history.

Here is a link to the expanded Web version if you’d like to check out the television program:

Also, producers enjoyed the segment so much they invited me on the early morning show today. Here is the link to that short segment:

And it looks like they want me to come back! Beginning in a week or so, I will be featuring stories from Alaska’s rich past on a regular basis once a week. I’ll keep you posted about that in the next blog.

Happy July to all you wonderful Alaska history fans!